Saturday, May 28, 2005

The Longest Yard

I went to see the Longest Yard. I have to admit, it was good. The original is still the better of the remake. The movie story line stayed true to the orginal with a few surprises along the way.

Friday, May 27, 2005

Magnet of Old Women

Can someone figure this out for me. Why do I have women who are practically my mother's age attracted to me. Can't I get a women closer to my age. I know I look young for my age. But the minute, they find out my real age, they make their move on me. Even for my age, it still not even close. Jezz, Can brother catch a break in the love department.

Liverpool Wins!!!

I still can't believe what I saw on Wednesday. AC Milan completely choked. They gave up a three goal lead. Unheard of in soccer. But it happened. Total inconceivable!

Turning the corner

I am having been feeling much better the past few days. It helps to talk about my past relationship. My friend is moving into his new house and i will be staying in the apartment. I need my privacy, did realize how much I missed it when I lived with my boy. He loves to tell me, I will be the next to get married. Honestly, I don't share his optimism. I am pretty sure that I will not be ready to get hitched in a year. I am still paying my dues with my career and still pushing on. Eventually, I will be ready to get married, but not right now and for the foreseeable future.

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

My phone is turning Japanese

One of my silly co-workers changed my phone display to Japanese. When I first saw the display, I asked "Did anyone else phone turned Japanese" I got a laugh from the office. I will have come up a good payback.

Thursday, May 19, 2005


I went to see Star Wars last night at 12:00 am. I am so tired and need some sleep. It was well worth staying up late and seeing the final Star Wars movie.

The Quote Of The Day

As the rolling stone gathers no moss,
so the roving heart gathers no affections.
--Anna Brownell Jameson

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

I am in a foul mood today.

I have been in a foul mood most of the day. I have manage to stay one step ahead having a complete meltdown. It has to do with me being alone right now. I keep thinking about my ex. I hate that. It's one person, i don't want to think about. But I find my thoughts drift aboout her. Another reason why I am in such a pissed off mood has to do with my work. I am the low-man on the totem pole. It's a frustrating situation dealing with some uncooperative people. I am hoping that seeing Star Wars tomorrow will take me out of this mood. I hope this will all pass.

Saturday, May 14, 2005

Throw In The Fire Again

I am tired from filling in for a friend at work. I have been literally running from place to place. I got the job done, but I am exhausted. I have to do it again tomorrow.

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

No, Fergie you can't beat us!!!

We beat Man U today 3-1 and broke the Premier League points record held by Manchester United. I did not realize, until now that we only lost one game in the Premiership. This was truly amazing season, it's a shame we could win the Champions League. Oh well,there is always next year.

Saturday, May 07, 2005

The Runaway Bride

I am not shock about how much coverage this runaway bride. The latest rumor is she left because her finance did not believe in pre-martial sex. Ouch. This is one story, that the media should buried fast before they uncover something that should we should not know. I think they are going through enough hell without the media's help.

Another night on the town.

I went solo to a club last night. Wasn't expecting to see some clear heals dancing on the bar tables. It was not a strip club, just some scantily clad women dancing. There was women in this club. Lots of women. I had few drinks, danced once. Met a tax consultant visiting in town. Beside that, the night was pretty uneventful.

Thursday, May 05, 2005

Walking away

I finally closed the book on a friendship. It was not the most healthiest friendship. Truth be told, I never could trust him. Too many times, I have been burned by this person i called a "friend". I should have done this a long time ago. I think that is another step in my growth as a person. I rather walk away and move on with life. I wished him the best of luck in the future. Besides that, I have nothing more to say to this person.

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Decisions Decisions

I was informed yesterday that a "change" might occur with my position. They are giving me some time to think about the "change". I have mixed feelings right now, part of me would like to stay but the other side would like to go back to what i was doing and make a point. I have unfinished business with my old career. I need to really need think about this.

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

We out of the Champs League!!

We lost to Liverpool 1-0. All Drogba had to do was put a part of his body to the ball in extra time. Any part of the body. Great run this year, just was not to be. Just fell short again like last year. Well there's always next year.

Monday, May 02, 2005

The New Superman

Warner Bros release a photo the new Superman. One word "Yikes" My first impression was something is missing. They did get the spit curl right. The hair is all wrong. I am hoping they have heard some of the fans and have made some changes before they start shooting.