Thursday, June 30, 2005

Hitting a Softball

I had disasterous at-bat during our first softball game last week. I went to a batting cage yesterday, with a few friends. I did not realize how much my eye-hand coordination has gone down. The first time in the cage, I missed more than half of the pitches. By the third time, I was re-finding my coordination and timing. I might need to go back out again before our next game.

Zola Retires

Yesterday, Gianfanco Zola decided to retire before his 39th birthday. Chelsea really needed him the last two seasons. He was one of those rare players that when he touched the ball, something magically always happened. I wish could have seen him playing in person. He will be sorely missed by all.

Horoscope says

Even now and then my horoscope is on the mark. This is one those times.

Stop punishing yourself for imaginary sins and leave the past where it belongs: behind you. Learn to absorb the lessons you must from any mistakes you've made, but don't heap on the guilt for something that you did out of ignorance or naivete. If you never made any mistakes, you'd never learn. If you never learned, you'd never grow -- and that's absolutely no way to live.

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Postive Feedback

My little roadtrip to central PA, was not successful. I did get some positive feedback. It's a start. I am not as "screwed" as I first believed. All I can do now, keep my eyes on the prize and press on.

DC here we come

I might be headed to D.C. to catch DC United vs. Chelsea. This is going to be so cool. My first Chelsea match!!!!!! I can't wait.

Monday, June 13, 2005

Michael Jackson Acquitted

Maybe it's just me, but you didn't need Negrodamus to see this verdict. Mike has clearly has lost his grip on reality. I am still shocked that the parents have not been brought up on charges for put their children with a man who has some serious mental issues. If Mike was convicted, then they should go after the priests that have molested all those children. It easier to convict Michael Jackson, but go after a child molesting priests. Hey we can't do that!!!!!! That's too much like doing right.

Cutting edge of Technology

"you love being on the cutting edge of technology" That's what my friend "T" told me when I told him about my blog page. I can't recall were we had this spirited of a conversation. It was fun, talking to "T", he has always been one of biggest rooters. I am just enjoying life right now. Not serious care in world for the moment. As to quote Nina "I am feeling good" A change in location might be in the works. I will find out in two weeks. I went on job interview last weekend and found the perfect setup for me. I could not ask for a better situation to land into. That being said, I still need to get hired.

Sunday, June 05, 2005

My Horscope

I try not to put much stock in horoscopes. But this one caught my eye. It definetly sums up my current situation.

It is your life, so make sure you are doing what is best for you, dear Aquarius. Keep in mind that this may mean that you have to say no to other people, as well as to certain commitments that you have already made. It is better to stay true to yourself then continue on a path that doesn't resonate with you but that may be pleasing to others. Your first obligation is to yourself.

Thursday, June 02, 2005

Letting Go

I have been told by friends and family to let some failures finally go. Past is the past. I can't go back and change what has happened. I also realize the I can't let it dictate how i live my life. The breakup and my last job have been on my mind, maybe too much. I look at myself now and person who I was. I feel that I have made a change for the better. I look and feel better. It's letting go is my next hurdle.