Thursday, September 29, 2005


The showdown with Liverpool ended 0-0. According to reports, Chelsea got away with two serious calls. Oh well, I will take a draw over a loss any day.

Saturday, September 24, 2005

7 straight wins!!!

7 straight wins in Premiership. Unbelievable. Bring on Liverpool!!!

Just when things are going your way.

I need to improve my communication with a friend before it cause us both problems.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

What the hell where you thinking Dallas!!!

The Cowboys choked last night!!!!!!!!!!!


As much as i try and remain optimistic. I think my chances getting back into my old career are dead. I hope, I am wrong. Yet, I still keep trying. That my stubborn streak in me. Something has to break for me. I am overdue for some luck.

Sunday, September 18, 2005

I am in a funk

I am really in a funk right now. I going through the motions. I just want to get my career back on the right track. I need to snap out my funk before it does some damage.

Dave Chappelle

I went to see Dave Chappelle stand up, Thursday night. He touched on his "freak out" moment. I got the impression, that Dave is through with his show and Hollywood for that matter. He was funny, even though we had some morons in the crowd screaming "what" the damn entire time.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Horoscope says today

Somehow -- and you're not exactly sure when this happened -- you ended taking a detour on your career path, and now you're stuck with a flat on a side road. Never fear, however, because this time is about to come to an end, with a little work from you -- and your lucky stars. It's not an entirely straightforward time; while you're chafing at your current position, it's also a little scary to be forced out of the nest. You've got the wing power to fly higher, though, so go for it.

Kinda sums up my current situation to a tee.

Monday, September 12, 2005

Pretty Funny, If you ask me.

Enough said. I am still laughing.

My Teams Won.

Chelsea and the Cowboys won this weekend. I need to get down to the local pub and see Chelsea, I have been slacking of late.

Get a Clue

I can't believe it, I don't think, I could have been anymore clearer to this person. But some people, don't get the hint. I have nothing more to say to you. I guess, I will have to use more colorful language to get my point across to this idiot.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Food for thought

I found this link on another blog site. I would recommend that you read it.

New Orleans

I missed an opportunity to see the Berlin Wall and the World Trade Center before those landmarks were removed. I managed to see New Orleans before it's tragedy. I was there in 1999. I remember going to Superdome and Bourbon Street. When I look at the photos of New Orleans now. It's hard to imagine that I used to walk the same streets where bodies are now floating.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

The Boondocks are coming

25 days, 3 hours and 2 minutes til Boondocks premiere on Adult Swim!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Backyard Brawl 2005

I am proud of the effort Memphis gave in their lost to Ole Miss. We should have won, despite losing our starting quarterback in the first quarter. We were so close to winning, it was a just a bad pass in last drive.


Kanye, Kanye, Kanye. You did not pull any punches. I think you got America's attention!!!!

Sunday, September 04, 2005

Wedding Day

I am down in Florida for a friend's wedding. I was an usher, a last minute thing. It's the least, I could do. It's been a fun time, i think if i get married, it will a simple wedding. Nothing fancy.

Friday, September 02, 2005

Science at work

When I read this, I don't know whether to laugh or cry. You know things in South Africa have gone really bad, when women have to start using this.


I have been watching the devastation from Katrina. I can't believe how fast things in New Orleans have descended into madness. My heart and prayers goes out to those who have been hurt by this disaster.