Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Back from Vacation

I really have had much time to blog. I had a great Thanksgiving in Miami. Nice to spend a few days with the relatives and have no pressing issues.

Monday, November 21, 2005

Running on E

I just sat on my ass and did nothing this weekend. I at least got out and bought Star Wars Battlefront II and grocery shopped. I was a lazy bastard. At it felt damn good too!!!

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Recap of my current events

I really have not had the time to post something. But to recap the last week or so

I have been catching in up in my comics reading. I would love to know how 355 survives that fall.

Watched the premier of the Boondocks on Adult Swim. Love the show, I am not too sure about Huey and Riley voices.

As a Cowboys fan , I am watching and loving the drama with Terrell Owens. I feel sorry for

Donovan McNabb, he's a good quarterback and doesn't deserve this crap.

Chelsea lost to Real Bettis 1-0 and then lost again 1-0 to Man U in the league, Ugh

Breaking my new dell laptop, i miss my old computer, which
is dying a slow death.