Thursday, December 29, 2005

Best black character in comics

I was reading the recent article from Rich Watson. He talks about Agent 355 from the Y-Last Man series being the one of the best current black character in comics. I was late comer to the Y-Last Man series. But i caught up with the tradebacks and collecting back issues. It's one of the few comics that i read that i look forward to reading. There has been some twists in the story line, Representative Brown's death and Beth's pregancy (as i look back, I should have seen that coming). The next issue deals with the orgin of Agent 355. Nice!!!! Can't wait

A Very Memphis Holiday!!!!!

Memphis Football finished a trying season with a victory in the Motor City Bowl. DeAngelo Williams is a definite first round draft pick. Love the all blue jersey. The 4th rank Men's team beat Gonzanga. Not a bad at all!!!

A What the f**k moment !!!!

I just learned that my ex is still trying to contact me. This qualifies for my "What the f**k moment". She has not taken the hint from my non communication that i want nothing to do with her. You think after almost two years you would get a hint???

This Blog One Anniversary!!!

Well this blog turns one year old. It's been nice to post my thoughts. Hopefully someone has been along for the ride with me.

Thursday, December 22, 2005

My Outlook for Today

Starting over isn't easy. But think of this as an opportunity to sweep your romantic past of everything that didn't work, and figure out what will for your bright new future. Be positive.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Life pushes you down

With all the drama going on right now in my life. I always read this to keep me going. I keep the faith that all the things I have done over the last two years will yield a happy ending. Days like this really test your faith in yourself.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

I can't believe, I almost miss this

I almost forgot that Chelsea beat Arsenal 2-0 in Highbury last Sunday. I watch a little of the match on The first league win since 1990. I still remember watching Chelsea struggle there and look at them now.

The Cowboys looked awful against the Redskins. I could not watch the second half after that disastrous first half.

Memphis Basketball is ranked 4 the the nation. This year start is best since the 1985-1986 team. They ended going to the final four that year. Hopefully 2005-2006 team can duplicate the same feat without the probation.

Memphis Football faces the Akron Zips in the Motor City Bowl. Should be a good game, nice way for DeAngelo Williams to finish his senior year. Memphis should win!!!!

I finally got my membership card to Chelsea New York Blues Club. Woo Ha!!!!!

Monday, December 19, 2005

I Hate Mondays

I really hate Mondays. Everything that could go wrong with me happens on Monday. I went to lunch, and my car wouldn't start. I had to get a jump start. I thought, I had another past problem under wraps, until the idiots send the information to my parents address after i told them that i need it sent to my current address. I don't think, I could have been any clearer when I explained where the information was to sent. But yet and still, they f**ked it up. Maybe tomorrow will better.

Saturday, December 17, 2005

Charity Case

I don't why all of sudden everyone and their mothers are trying to fix me up with someone. I am flattered that you think that i'm catch and all. But it does not mean, I'm desperate. I think, I can manage just fine. But if i ever need help, I will ask.

Sunday, December 11, 2005

My Top 5 Comics

I haven't done this in awhile. But here are my top 5 Comics

1. Y the Last Man
2. Infinite Crisis
3. New Avengers
4. Green Lantern
5. Amazing Spider-Man

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Busy at work. Striking out with the ladies. I watched the world cup draw yesterday. The Usa drew a tough group. I don't think they can win it . But they can advanced. If they do make, It look like they will have Brazil waiting for them. Chelsea is currently leading 1-0 over Wigan. Thank god for Espn webcast.

I finally watched Saw and Million Dollar Baby on DVD this week. Are you telling me that Morgan Freeman earned an Oscar for that performance. Ahh, the power of Eastwood movies. He should have got one for the Shawshank Redemption or Glory. It was good but it not Oscar worthy. Looks like the Academy finally made up for all those years overlooking the guy.

Chelsea won 1-0 while, I was typing this. Yea!!!!!

Tuesday, December 06, 2005


I finally broke down and got DSL for my new laptop. I love it already.

Chelsea drew 0-0 against Liverpool in the Champions League. We already qualified for the

knock stages, but that not a good sign if we have to face them again.

Friday, December 02, 2005

Family Guy: Peanut Butter Jelly Time

I wonder what came first the Pittsburgh Steelers version or this one. Nevertheless, It's funny as hell!!!