Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Civil War is Coming

Between Chelsea getting knocked of the FA Cup and tying up loose ends at work. Marvel's Civil War series is coming out. The storyline sound interesting. I found this cool countdown, I am
probably not the only genius posting on their blog. I really don't care!!!

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Horoscope Sez

You can probably sweet-talk your way in or out of any situation you need to today, dear Aquarius. Realize that you have a great deal of power within, and as long as you aren't afraid to use it, you can accomplish anything. Don't be afraid of failure. If you never try, you will never succeed. If you see missing pieces in the plan don't worry about it, trust that things will fall into place as you need them to. Keep your eye on the prize!


I haven't been able to post anything, I have been busy trying to get my affair in order.

I am leaving Pittsburgh in three weeks for New Jersey. Yes, I got the job. It took me awhile, put I finally got my old life back. I am going to miss the burgh. I really like this city, it's a hidden gem. It was time to leave my current position, I was starting to get complacent and that's not a good thing. I finally got my career on the right path. Or the path I would like to take.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

7 points

7 points separate Chelsea and Man U. I still believe that we can win the Premiership. But if they lose the next match, I would start get worried. I watched online , DC vs. NY and Houston vs. Colorado matches. I wasn't shocked by the score in the DC/NY game, but Colorado is still underachievering team, that I watched while living in Denver. I have to admit, I really like Houston's new kits. I might just have to buy a Houston kit, even though I'm DC United fan (I really hate their new kits) .

Sunday, April 02, 2006

No No No!!!!!!

Just when I thought it was safe to read comics, I now see this. I like the writer but the artist that a different story.


Maybe it doesn't look as bad as it looks.
When a deep injury is done to us, we never recover until we forgive. - Alan Paton

An Update On My Whereabouts

It looks like my days in Pittsburgh are growing short. I might be moving a little closer to the east coast. Hell, you don't get any closer to the Atlantic Ocean than this. My prayers and with some help from my friends I might be back into my old career. I saying might because, I waiting to hear the finally word that I get the job. I'm sad to be leaving Pittsburgh, but this great opportunity. I just wish those idiots at US Airways didn't lose my bag on a direct flight to my interview. Oh well, everything happens for reason.