Wednesday, January 31, 2007

The Big 32

Happy Birthday to me!!! 32 years old today. If i had any fore thought, I would have taken the day. Instead of going to work.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

History in the Making

Even though my Cowboys were playing. I was pulling for Dungy and Smith to get their respective teams to Miami. Not one but two head black head coaches are in the Super Bowl!!!!! It was long over due. Especially for Dungy who has come so close so many times with TB and Indy. Now, if i just find a ticket to Miami.

Sunday, January 07, 2007


I almost forgot to note that this blog is 3 years old. Wow

Happy New Year - except Romo

I was starting to believe the Cowboys were going to win, but oh no, Romo managed to prove me wrong. Over the last three games this man can not hold a football to save his life. At least, I can take comfort that Chelsea won in their FA Cup tie.