Thursday, July 07, 2005

Facing the Music

I found out that a ex-friend is interviewing for a position with a friend of mine. He is great at what he does. But personally, i really don't like the guy. I am really mad at myself for being so open with a such a-hole who was claiming to be my friend. A-hole knows somethings that my friend does not know. Which is sad, because he is one of my closest friends. I confided in him in the hopes of strengthen our friendship. I did not realize until later that it was just another thing he used against me. I just don't want this guy to drive a wedge in my friendship with a good friend. The fact that my ex knows my friend and now A-Hole is now in the picture. There is going to be a point where the subject of me comes up. I really feel like i am going to be painted in a bad light to cover up for their misdealing with me. I need to be responsible for putting my business in the street with people who are not trusting.

I just might be thinking too much about this whole thing. I will just have to cross that bridge, when if ever it does happen.

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