Saturday, September 09, 2006

My nutty neighbors

I thought I found the perfect apartment. It was 15 minutes from where I worked and close to grocery stores and restaurants. What I didn't know, I had moved above the very definition of a "bad relationship" This bad relationship is definitely out of convieniece. Clearly neither party has the courage to leave the other person. The fights are sporadic and loud. Doors are slamming and "Bitch", "Whore" and "Asshole" are peppered in every sentence during their fights. My nutty neighbors fights have spilled out their apartment and have been a public scene for the entire complex to see. The cops have been called to quell their disputes but that has not stopped to them continuing fighting. I have managed to keep my wits and not allow their mess bring me down. But there is coming a time where I can no longer be blissfully ignorant about this bad relationship. My ignorance is coming to end and very quickly.

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