Sunday, January 30, 2005

My Top 10

My geekness is coming through by doing this. What the hell!!! Here is my top 10 list that has me running to my comic book store to pick up.

1. Y: The Last Man
2. Ultimate Spider Man
3. Astonishing X-Men
4. Supreme Power
5. Spider-Man (Marvel Knights)
6. Green Lantern: Rebirth
7. Liberty Meadows
8. Superman/Batman
9. JLA
10. Ultimates (Would be higher on the list, if it was out more timely matter)

Honorable Mention: Captain America and the Falcon (I like Priest work)

The Year of the Beantown

If you are sport team from Boston, this must be your year. The BC (Boston College) men's basketball team is undefeated. The women's basketball team are ranked in the Top 20. The football team won their seven consecutive bowl game. The Red Sox reversed the curse finally after 86 years of misery. The Patriots are in the Super Bowl again for the third time in four years. The Boston sport scene is having a revial, like the mid 80's when the Celtics, Bruins, Red Sox, and Boston College were toast of the town. Unbelievable is all i can say right now.

In search of RAM

I spent most of the day trying to figure out what kind of ram my desktop needed. I always had someone else do the upgrades for my computer. Taking my brother's advice about how easy it is to install more memory. I deecided to give it a try. I managed to figure out what memory i needed and took off to the local CompUSA store. I got to the store and found the memory (with some help). It was kinda expensive so i decide not to buy and see if i can find something less expensive online. I notice that is so many types of memory. Yesh, I spent most of my time just figuring out all the acconyms mean. Who am i kidding it was fun.

Thursday, January 27, 2005

Chelsea beats Man-U 2-1

Lampard Celebrates Posted by Hello

Chelsea has done it again. They beat Man U 2-1 to reach the final of the Carling Cup. There is talk of Chelsea winning four trophies (Champions League, Carling Cup, FA Cup and the Premiership Title). I don't want to but jinx on them, but this is season has unbelieveable. At least one of the teams, i root for is doing well. Now if the Cowboys can turn it around, that would be perfect.

Which is Up

My birthday is coming up in a few days. I know i will be older but wiser? The question, I should be asking have i learned anything new from this last year. I can answere yes to that question. Very painful lessons have been learned this past year. I hope in the upcoming year that i take those lessons learned and turn them into a positive.

I watched this movie called with Richard Pryor called "Which Way Is Up" Funny Flick!!!! At the end the movie, Pryor has lost everything that matter to him, but he walked away knowing that the only way he now where else to go but up. I keep pressing on with the hope that my fortunes are going up in the new year.

Saturday, January 15, 2005

My Two Cents Worth on Identity Crisis

I am huge comic book fan. In recent years, I have watched Marvel and DC improve on what they put out to readers. Identity Crisis is one those series that makes it worthwhile to be a comic book fan. The series had me guessing on who was the murderer. I have to admit was I shocked to find out it was the Atom's wife, Jean Loring that committed the murder of Sue Dibny and setup the death of Jack Drake and Captain Boomerang. I was suspecting a supervillan to jump out from the shadows and proclaim he or she was the mastermind behind the mystery. Personally, I still think Lex Luthor is still behind the murders.

The most intriguing aspect introduced was the explanation on how the JLA have been able to keep their identities secret from villains. Well it would be hard for a villain to figure out a superhero secret identity if they had their mind erased. I am general interested in the ramifications of the series on the rest of the DC Universe.

Test Posted by Hello

Saturday, January 08, 2005

Boondocks Cartoon in October 2005!!!!!

I was up late a few days ago. I was watching Adult Swim and noticed their advertisement for their upcoming shows for the next year. I saw the Boondocks are coming in October. I know McGruder mentioned that he made a deal with the Cartoon Network on Real Time with Bill Maher. I was wondering when it will come out. Great news, another reason for me to watch more TV.

Friday, January 07, 2005

Time Management.

I am trying to find a time management class to take. I wanted to fine tune how I spend my time at work. I feel like the last two years, i have been running at a frantic pace. I have an opportunity to slow down myself and revaluate how my life has been.

I watched the Oklahoma vs. Southern Cal game. USC removed any doubt about who is the national champion. Two straight years Oklahoma has got their asses handed to them. I was expecting a closer game. Auburn got the short end of the stick when it comes to BCS. How do beat Tennessee twice and go undefeated in the SEC. But still end up not playing in the national championship. You can only scratch your head. Either way this year someone was going to be left out. It just happen to be Auburn.

Cowboys, Cowboys. Thank god this season is over. I can't believe we lost to Giants. Oh well there is always next year.

Monday, January 03, 2005

"Crazy Dream"

I found this surfing the net. I will have to pick up the CD. Very inspirational.

I tried to find myself
For a very long time
Somewhere I lost myself
It's so hard to find my way back home
My body's roaming all day long
Feels like a real bad dream
I try so hard to break free
And even though I try
Something else is got a hold on me

Will I ever be in control of me
So when will I wake up
Escape from this crazy dream
Maybe tomorrow
I'll find a better dream for me

-- Los Lonely Boys, "Crazy Dream"

Saturday, January 01, 2005

Looking back at 2004

Well, it's a new year. 2004 is over. I can't believe a year has passed. So much has changed in my life over the last year. 2004 should be do-over year for me in retrospective. I am joking about the do-over. No regrets. I have some good memories over the last year but right now the events of the several months have taken front stage in my life. Still trying to shake the feelings of being dumped and leaving my job several months ago. Two situations, where I was pouring water into a bucket with no bottom. I hope in 2005, I will never find myself again in either of those situations. I go into 2005, with a degree of optimism that things are taking a turn for the better. A slight degree of fear about where my life is heading. All I can do now is look up because there is no where is to go but up.

Still can't believe how Chelsea is playing right now. Top of the table after Boxing Day. They are playing out of this world. I hope they can keep it up.