Friday, January 07, 2005

Time Management.

I am trying to find a time management class to take. I wanted to fine tune how I spend my time at work. I feel like the last two years, i have been running at a frantic pace. I have an opportunity to slow down myself and revaluate how my life has been.

I watched the Oklahoma vs. Southern Cal game. USC removed any doubt about who is the national champion. Two straight years Oklahoma has got their asses handed to them. I was expecting a closer game. Auburn got the short end of the stick when it comes to BCS. How do beat Tennessee twice and go undefeated in the SEC. But still end up not playing in the national championship. You can only scratch your head. Either way this year someone was going to be left out. It just happen to be Auburn.

Cowboys, Cowboys. Thank god this season is over. I can't believe we lost to Giants. Oh well there is always next year.

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