Saturday, January 01, 2005

Looking back at 2004

Well, it's a new year. 2004 is over. I can't believe a year has passed. So much has changed in my life over the last year. 2004 should be do-over year for me in retrospective. I am joking about the do-over. No regrets. I have some good memories over the last year but right now the events of the several months have taken front stage in my life. Still trying to shake the feelings of being dumped and leaving my job several months ago. Two situations, where I was pouring water into a bucket with no bottom. I hope in 2005, I will never find myself again in either of those situations. I go into 2005, with a degree of optimism that things are taking a turn for the better. A slight degree of fear about where my life is heading. All I can do now is look up because there is no where is to go but up.

Still can't believe how Chelsea is playing right now. Top of the table after Boxing Day. They are playing out of this world. I hope they can keep it up.

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