Thursday, December 29, 2005

Best black character in comics

I was reading the recent article from Rich Watson. He talks about Agent 355 from the Y-Last Man series being the one of the best current black character in comics. I was late comer to the Y-Last Man series. But i caught up with the tradebacks and collecting back issues. It's one of the few comics that i read that i look forward to reading. There has been some twists in the story line, Representative Brown's death and Beth's pregancy (as i look back, I should have seen that coming). The next issue deals with the orgin of Agent 355. Nice!!!! Can't wait

A Very Memphis Holiday!!!!!

Memphis Football finished a trying season with a victory in the Motor City Bowl. DeAngelo Williams is a definite first round draft pick. Love the all blue jersey. The 4th rank Men's team beat Gonzanga. Not a bad at all!!!

A What the f**k moment !!!!

I just learned that my ex is still trying to contact me. This qualifies for my "What the f**k moment". She has not taken the hint from my non communication that i want nothing to do with her. You think after almost two years you would get a hint???

This Blog One Anniversary!!!

Well this blog turns one year old. It's been nice to post my thoughts. Hopefully someone has been along for the ride with me.

Thursday, December 22, 2005

My Outlook for Today

Starting over isn't easy. But think of this as an opportunity to sweep your romantic past of everything that didn't work, and figure out what will for your bright new future. Be positive.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Life pushes you down

With all the drama going on right now in my life. I always read this to keep me going. I keep the faith that all the things I have done over the last two years will yield a happy ending. Days like this really test your faith in yourself.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

I can't believe, I almost miss this

I almost forgot that Chelsea beat Arsenal 2-0 in Highbury last Sunday. I watch a little of the match on The first league win since 1990. I still remember watching Chelsea struggle there and look at them now.

The Cowboys looked awful against the Redskins. I could not watch the second half after that disastrous first half.

Memphis Basketball is ranked 4 the the nation. This year start is best since the 1985-1986 team. They ended going to the final four that year. Hopefully 2005-2006 team can duplicate the same feat without the probation.

Memphis Football faces the Akron Zips in the Motor City Bowl. Should be a good game, nice way for DeAngelo Williams to finish his senior year. Memphis should win!!!!

I finally got my membership card to Chelsea New York Blues Club. Woo Ha!!!!!

Monday, December 19, 2005

I Hate Mondays

I really hate Mondays. Everything that could go wrong with me happens on Monday. I went to lunch, and my car wouldn't start. I had to get a jump start. I thought, I had another past problem under wraps, until the idiots send the information to my parents address after i told them that i need it sent to my current address. I don't think, I could have been any clearer when I explained where the information was to sent. But yet and still, they f**ked it up. Maybe tomorrow will better.

Saturday, December 17, 2005

Charity Case

I don't why all of sudden everyone and their mothers are trying to fix me up with someone. I am flattered that you think that i'm catch and all. But it does not mean, I'm desperate. I think, I can manage just fine. But if i ever need help, I will ask.

Sunday, December 11, 2005

My Top 5 Comics

I haven't done this in awhile. But here are my top 5 Comics

1. Y the Last Man
2. Infinite Crisis
3. New Avengers
4. Green Lantern
5. Amazing Spider-Man

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Busy at work. Striking out with the ladies. I watched the world cup draw yesterday. The Usa drew a tough group. I don't think they can win it . But they can advanced. If they do make, It look like they will have Brazil waiting for them. Chelsea is currently leading 1-0 over Wigan. Thank god for Espn webcast.

I finally watched Saw and Million Dollar Baby on DVD this week. Are you telling me that Morgan Freeman earned an Oscar for that performance. Ahh, the power of Eastwood movies. He should have got one for the Shawshank Redemption or Glory. It was good but it not Oscar worthy. Looks like the Academy finally made up for all those years overlooking the guy.

Chelsea won 1-0 while, I was typing this. Yea!!!!!

Tuesday, December 06, 2005


I finally broke down and got DSL for my new laptop. I love it already.

Chelsea drew 0-0 against Liverpool in the Champions League. We already qualified for the

knock stages, but that not a good sign if we have to face them again.

Friday, December 02, 2005

Family Guy: Peanut Butter Jelly Time

I wonder what came first the Pittsburgh Steelers version or this one. Nevertheless, It's funny as hell!!!

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Back from Vacation

I really have had much time to blog. I had a great Thanksgiving in Miami. Nice to spend a few days with the relatives and have no pressing issues.

Monday, November 21, 2005

Running on E

I just sat on my ass and did nothing this weekend. I at least got out and bought Star Wars Battlefront II and grocery shopped. I was a lazy bastard. At it felt damn good too!!!

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Recap of my current events

I really have not had the time to post something. But to recap the last week or so

I have been catching in up in my comics reading. I would love to know how 355 survives that fall.

Watched the premier of the Boondocks on Adult Swim. Love the show, I am not too sure about Huey and Riley voices.

As a Cowboys fan , I am watching and loving the drama with Terrell Owens. I feel sorry for

Donovan McNabb, he's a good quarterback and doesn't deserve this crap.

Chelsea lost to Real Bettis 1-0 and then lost again 1-0 to Man U in the league, Ugh

Breaking my new dell laptop, i miss my old computer, which
is dying a slow death.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Bye Bye Carling Cup

Eventually our winning streak was going to end. I rather it happened during the regular season instead of a cup tie. After being deadlock for 90 minutes and extra time, it went to penaties. Charlton wins 5-4 on penalties. We had our chances but did come through.

Stand up and be Counted

I always go by Buzzscope, to get my daily dose of comics. I read this great article by Rich Watson. It's my manifesto. It's good to know there are others that share your view.

Thursday, October 20, 2005


Where to begin.

Well Chelsea is still winning. 4-1 over Real Bettis yesterday.

I could wait any longer, I brought Infinite Crisis # 1. I saw the previews, and it

lives up to the hype. You gotta love the panels where the Freedom Fighters were

ambused by the Society of Super Villians.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005


Ever since Grant Morrison left X-Men. I feel that X-Men and Uncanny X-Men have no direction. I can't remember the last time, i picked up an issue and it did not leave me yearning for the next issue,until now. It just seems like the both comics are rudderless right now. The Astonishing X-Men by Joss Whedon and John Cassaday briefly restored my faith in the X-Men. Hopefully this House of M can shake this things up.

Memphis Basketball

I just hope this is the last off-court incident this season for Memphis basketball.

That's hopeful thinking.

Friday, October 07, 2005

Not Paying Attention

I don't know why i missed the announcement that the Boondocks were pushed back to November 1. I feel like an ass for not picking this up sooner.,1002,271976411,00.html

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

4-1 victory over Liverpool

I did not watch the game on TV again. Chelsea crushed Liverpool 4-1. I wish this was Champions League match instead of regular season match. Oh well!!!

Thursday, September 29, 2005


The showdown with Liverpool ended 0-0. According to reports, Chelsea got away with two serious calls. Oh well, I will take a draw over a loss any day.

Saturday, September 24, 2005

7 straight wins!!!

7 straight wins in Premiership. Unbelievable. Bring on Liverpool!!!

Just when things are going your way.

I need to improve my communication with a friend before it cause us both problems.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

What the hell where you thinking Dallas!!!

The Cowboys choked last night!!!!!!!!!!!


As much as i try and remain optimistic. I think my chances getting back into my old career are dead. I hope, I am wrong. Yet, I still keep trying. That my stubborn streak in me. Something has to break for me. I am overdue for some luck.

Sunday, September 18, 2005

I am in a funk

I am really in a funk right now. I going through the motions. I just want to get my career back on the right track. I need to snap out my funk before it does some damage.

Dave Chappelle

I went to see Dave Chappelle stand up, Thursday night. He touched on his "freak out" moment. I got the impression, that Dave is through with his show and Hollywood for that matter. He was funny, even though we had some morons in the crowd screaming "what" the damn entire time.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Horoscope says today

Somehow -- and you're not exactly sure when this happened -- you ended taking a detour on your career path, and now you're stuck with a flat on a side road. Never fear, however, because this time is about to come to an end, with a little work from you -- and your lucky stars. It's not an entirely straightforward time; while you're chafing at your current position, it's also a little scary to be forced out of the nest. You've got the wing power to fly higher, though, so go for it.

Kinda sums up my current situation to a tee.

Monday, September 12, 2005

Pretty Funny, If you ask me.

Enough said. I am still laughing.

My Teams Won.

Chelsea and the Cowboys won this weekend. I need to get down to the local pub and see Chelsea, I have been slacking of late.

Get a Clue

I can't believe it, I don't think, I could have been anymore clearer to this person. But some people, don't get the hint. I have nothing more to say to you. I guess, I will have to use more colorful language to get my point across to this idiot.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Food for thought

I found this link on another blog site. I would recommend that you read it.

New Orleans

I missed an opportunity to see the Berlin Wall and the World Trade Center before those landmarks were removed. I managed to see New Orleans before it's tragedy. I was there in 1999. I remember going to Superdome and Bourbon Street. When I look at the photos of New Orleans now. It's hard to imagine that I used to walk the same streets where bodies are now floating.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

The Boondocks are coming

25 days, 3 hours and 2 minutes til Boondocks premiere on Adult Swim!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Backyard Brawl 2005

I am proud of the effort Memphis gave in their lost to Ole Miss. We should have won, despite losing our starting quarterback in the first quarter. We were so close to winning, it was a just a bad pass in last drive.


Kanye, Kanye, Kanye. You did not pull any punches. I think you got America's attention!!!!

Sunday, September 04, 2005

Wedding Day

I am down in Florida for a friend's wedding. I was an usher, a last minute thing. It's the least, I could do. It's been a fun time, i think if i get married, it will a simple wedding. Nothing fancy.

Friday, September 02, 2005

Science at work

When I read this, I don't know whether to laugh or cry. You know things in South Africa have gone really bad, when women have to start using this.


I have been watching the devastation from Katrina. I can't believe how fast things in New Orleans have descended into madness. My heart and prayers goes out to those who have been hurt by this disaster.

Saturday, August 27, 2005

Chelsea vs. Liverpool

I was hoping we could avoid seeing Liverpool in the Champions League. But alas, it was not to be. Chelsea and Liverpool are together in Group G. This is not going to be a cakewalk like last year. I don't think both teams will advance to the knockout stages. Someone is going home early. I just hope it's not Chelsea.

Are you kidding me!!!

I was reading that Lyon president Jean-Michel Aulas has slammed Chelsea after claiming the Premiership champions have increased their asking price for Tiago. Are you kidding me!!!!! Here is a guy who has been jerking Chelsea around for several months over the price of Essien. It's Karma baby!!!! I hate to see Tiago go, but there seems to a revolving door at midfield for Chelsea. Here one minute gone the next.

Football is back

I can't believe Football season is almost upon us. I wonder what teams will shock me and have me shaking my head. The Eagles are already have me shaking my head. TO is the biggest drama queen, if the Eagles win the Super Bowl, it will be a mircle. Me, I am Cowboys fan. One good thing about a team going through a slump, it gets rid of the bandwagon fans!!!

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

I almost forgot

Chelsea wins again!!!!! 4-0 over West Brom We on top and having a laugh!!!!

Six Feet Under

I watched the series finale of SFU for the second time last night. I am going to miss that show. The birth of Nate and Brenda's child threw me for a loop. It was nice touch showing how the all the main characters died. Rescue Me will not just have to take up the slack.

Can't wait for the day to be over.

It has been a long day at work. I ready to go home and relax. I just want to forget the last 9 hours.

Monday, August 15, 2005

Monday, August 08, 2005

Essien is staying Lyon

Lyon has annouced the deal is finally over. I would have liked to see Essien join Chelsea. Enough is Enough. There has been to many u-turns in this deal. Lyon can have him, Chelsea will get him next year.

Cowboys fans are ugly.

Joe Gibbs has a lot of balls to call Cowboys fans "the ugliest people in the world". I understand it was a joke. Mr. Gibbs, if i recalled correctly. We don't have any grown men wearing dresses and sporting a plastic pig noses at Texas Stadium. If want to look at something really ugly take a look at the Redskins record against the Cowboys in the past 10 years. That pretty damn ugly if you ask me.

Comic Company Exclusivity

Recently DC Comics and Marvel are signing writers and artist to exclusive deals. It has been a comic company arms race. Everyone is joining sides or signing on, depends on who you ask in this exclusivity war. I understand that the artist and writers need to get paid. But this ridiculous. There has be better way than this. I just hope this does not turn nasty for all involved.

Playing Doubles Tennis

I heard sunday a perfect analogy of double tennis and relationships. Relationships are like doubles tennis. In doubles tennis, you play to your partner strengths and play away from their weakness. Good relationship require working as a team to play to each other strengths and play aware from their weakness. Bad relationships have a one partner who is playing a doubles game while their partner is playing a singles game. It put everything in perspective.

Thursday, August 04, 2005

What?! "Chappelle Show" Kaput?

I just read that Charlie Murphy is saying Chappelle Show is not coming back. NO NO!! Say ain't so Dave!!!!

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Rafael Palmeiro

I can't believe Palmeiro comments after being caught. What do mean, you don't know what you were taking was a steroid. The same steroid that Ben Johnson was caught using in 1988. Beside the fact that he has embarassed himself, Orioles and baseball, he still has to answer to Congress for lying under oath. He better ask his buddy President Bush, if he can loan him Karl Rove for awhile.

Friday, July 29, 2005

My trip down to Maryland.

I went down to Maryland to see the DC United vs. Chelsea game. It was well worth driving five hours down to see my favorite club. They won 2-1. They played like crap the first half but came back hard the second. Learned some the club songs. The celery song had me laughing. I just forgot about all the crap that has been going on in my life and enjoy a soccer game. Defintely need to go to England now.

Friday, July 22, 2005

The Second London Bombing

I was watching the news at lunch. Tony Blair was quoted that the second bombers were nothing more than criminals. I always thought criminals steal not blow stuff up. Just my opinion. I would have never expected a second bombing after the first one. We are definitely living in interesting times.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Days Like This.....

I really don't have much to say. Just one of those days, where you are just going through the motions. Maybe tomorrow will be a little more exciting.

Monday, July 18, 2005

A-Rod rules

I watched a few innings of the Yankees vs. Red Sox game last night. A-Rod crushed a pitch that went over the Green Monster and probably onto the Mass Pike. Good Grief. A real thing of beauty.

Screw Lyon

I just read that Olympique Lyon president Jean-Michel Aulas says Chelsea will have to pay €45 million (£31m) if the English champions want their Ghana midfielder Michael Essien. At one point they said Essien is not for sale but apparently they found a price where they can part company with him. I hoping they say "screw you", we find someone else. But knowing Chelsea they are going to fork over the money. I just hope this guy is worth what we offer to Steven Gerrard.

Friday, July 15, 2005

One Year Later

Man, I can believe a year has passed since the ex left my company. I finally come to terms that i will never know the real reason why she left. I have accepted my responsibility and shoulder the blame. I have made my peace with the reasons, she gave me for leaving. Definitely the thrill is gone. Last week my brother asked about me about my ex. Which is very strange, he never asks me about my ex or any of my previous girlfriends. My brother mentioned that she might be in love with me still and that's why she is still e-mailing me. He also advised me to continue staying away from her. Which is pretty easy considering she is four or five states away from me.

Monday, July 11, 2005

Defintely Karma

It just donned on me yesterday the people who have triped me up over the past year and run into some problems of their own. I guess it's true what they about karma, it really does comes around.

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Facing the Music

I found out that a ex-friend is interviewing for a position with a friend of mine. He is great at what he does. But personally, i really don't like the guy. I am really mad at myself for being so open with a such a-hole who was claiming to be my friend. A-hole knows somethings that my friend does not know. Which is sad, because he is one of my closest friends. I confided in him in the hopes of strengthen our friendship. I did not realize until later that it was just another thing he used against me. I just don't want this guy to drive a wedge in my friendship with a good friend. The fact that my ex knows my friend and now A-Hole is now in the picture. There is going to be a point where the subject of me comes up. I really feel like i am going to be painted in a bad light to cover up for their misdealing with me. I need to be responsible for putting my business in the street with people who are not trusting.

I just might be thinking too much about this whole thing. I will just have to cross that bridge, when if ever it does happen.

Mind of a Funny Commedian

I caught an episode of Mind of Mencia on Comedy Central. It was a mix Dennis Miller and Chappelle's Show. Funny as hell!!!!!!!

Monday, July 04, 2005

Last year Fourth of July

I can't believe a year has passed since i made a life altering decision. I remember trying so hard to do the "right thing" by so many people. I realize now that there was no right decision. I was screwed either way. The ramifications of my decision and my actions afterwards are still being felt by me today. I don't regret a damn thing that did then and afterwards.

Fourth of July

I saw something kinda of funny and disturbing at the same time. I went to the Dollar Store and witness four guys selling porn to each other in the store. They were franticly moving around the store conducting business. Really weird. I wonder why they decide to use a public store to do this. These guys are definitely exercises their freedom on the Fourth of July.

Thursday, June 30, 2005

Hitting a Softball

I had disasterous at-bat during our first softball game last week. I went to a batting cage yesterday, with a few friends. I did not realize how much my eye-hand coordination has gone down. The first time in the cage, I missed more than half of the pitches. By the third time, I was re-finding my coordination and timing. I might need to go back out again before our next game.

Zola Retires

Yesterday, Gianfanco Zola decided to retire before his 39th birthday. Chelsea really needed him the last two seasons. He was one of those rare players that when he touched the ball, something magically always happened. I wish could have seen him playing in person. He will be sorely missed by all.

Horoscope says

Even now and then my horoscope is on the mark. This is one those times.

Stop punishing yourself for imaginary sins and leave the past where it belongs: behind you. Learn to absorb the lessons you must from any mistakes you've made, but don't heap on the guilt for something that you did out of ignorance or naivete. If you never made any mistakes, you'd never learn. If you never learned, you'd never grow -- and that's absolutely no way to live.

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Postive Feedback

My little roadtrip to central PA, was not successful. I did get some positive feedback. It's a start. I am not as "screwed" as I first believed. All I can do now, keep my eyes on the prize and press on.

DC here we come

I might be headed to D.C. to catch DC United vs. Chelsea. This is going to be so cool. My first Chelsea match!!!!!! I can't wait.

Monday, June 13, 2005

Michael Jackson Acquitted

Maybe it's just me, but you didn't need Negrodamus to see this verdict. Mike has clearly has lost his grip on reality. I am still shocked that the parents have not been brought up on charges for put their children with a man who has some serious mental issues. If Mike was convicted, then they should go after the priests that have molested all those children. It easier to convict Michael Jackson, but go after a child molesting priests. Hey we can't do that!!!!!! That's too much like doing right.

Cutting edge of Technology

"you love being on the cutting edge of technology" That's what my friend "T" told me when I told him about my blog page. I can't recall were we had this spirited of a conversation. It was fun, talking to "T", he has always been one of biggest rooters. I am just enjoying life right now. Not serious care in world for the moment. As to quote Nina "I am feeling good" A change in location might be in the works. I will find out in two weeks. I went on job interview last weekend and found the perfect setup for me. I could not ask for a better situation to land into. That being said, I still need to get hired.

Sunday, June 05, 2005

My Horscope

I try not to put much stock in horoscopes. But this one caught my eye. It definetly sums up my current situation.

It is your life, so make sure you are doing what is best for you, dear Aquarius. Keep in mind that this may mean that you have to say no to other people, as well as to certain commitments that you have already made. It is better to stay true to yourself then continue on a path that doesn't resonate with you but that may be pleasing to others. Your first obligation is to yourself.

Thursday, June 02, 2005

Letting Go

I have been told by friends and family to let some failures finally go. Past is the past. I can't go back and change what has happened. I also realize the I can't let it dictate how i live my life. The breakup and my last job have been on my mind, maybe too much. I look at myself now and person who I was. I feel that I have made a change for the better. I look and feel better. It's letting go is my next hurdle.

Saturday, May 28, 2005

The Longest Yard

I went to see the Longest Yard. I have to admit, it was good. The original is still the better of the remake. The movie story line stayed true to the orginal with a few surprises along the way.

Friday, May 27, 2005

Magnet of Old Women

Can someone figure this out for me. Why do I have women who are practically my mother's age attracted to me. Can't I get a women closer to my age. I know I look young for my age. But the minute, they find out my real age, they make their move on me. Even for my age, it still not even close. Jezz, Can brother catch a break in the love department.

Liverpool Wins!!!

I still can't believe what I saw on Wednesday. AC Milan completely choked. They gave up a three goal lead. Unheard of in soccer. But it happened. Total inconceivable!

Turning the corner

I am having been feeling much better the past few days. It helps to talk about my past relationship. My friend is moving into his new house and i will be staying in the apartment. I need my privacy, did realize how much I missed it when I lived with my boy. He loves to tell me, I will be the next to get married. Honestly, I don't share his optimism. I am pretty sure that I will not be ready to get hitched in a year. I am still paying my dues with my career and still pushing on. Eventually, I will be ready to get married, but not right now and for the foreseeable future.

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

My phone is turning Japanese

One of my silly co-workers changed my phone display to Japanese. When I first saw the display, I asked "Did anyone else phone turned Japanese" I got a laugh from the office. I will have come up a good payback.

Thursday, May 19, 2005


I went to see Star Wars last night at 12:00 am. I am so tired and need some sleep. It was well worth staying up late and seeing the final Star Wars movie.

The Quote Of The Day

As the rolling stone gathers no moss,
so the roving heart gathers no affections.
--Anna Brownell Jameson

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

I am in a foul mood today.

I have been in a foul mood most of the day. I have manage to stay one step ahead having a complete meltdown. It has to do with me being alone right now. I keep thinking about my ex. I hate that. It's one person, i don't want to think about. But I find my thoughts drift aboout her. Another reason why I am in such a pissed off mood has to do with my work. I am the low-man on the totem pole. It's a frustrating situation dealing with some uncooperative people. I am hoping that seeing Star Wars tomorrow will take me out of this mood. I hope this will all pass.

Saturday, May 14, 2005

Throw In The Fire Again

I am tired from filling in for a friend at work. I have been literally running from place to place. I got the job done, but I am exhausted. I have to do it again tomorrow.

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

No, Fergie you can't beat us!!!

We beat Man U today 3-1 and broke the Premier League points record held by Manchester United. I did not realize, until now that we only lost one game in the Premiership. This was truly amazing season, it's a shame we could win the Champions League. Oh well,there is always next year.

Saturday, May 07, 2005

The Runaway Bride

I am not shock about how much coverage this runaway bride. The latest rumor is she left because her finance did not believe in pre-martial sex. Ouch. This is one story, that the media should buried fast before they uncover something that should we should not know. I think they are going through enough hell without the media's help.

Another night on the town.

I went solo to a club last night. Wasn't expecting to see some clear heals dancing on the bar tables. It was not a strip club, just some scantily clad women dancing. There was women in this club. Lots of women. I had few drinks, danced once. Met a tax consultant visiting in town. Beside that, the night was pretty uneventful.

Thursday, May 05, 2005

Walking away

I finally closed the book on a friendship. It was not the most healthiest friendship. Truth be told, I never could trust him. Too many times, I have been burned by this person i called a "friend". I should have done this a long time ago. I think that is another step in my growth as a person. I rather walk away and move on with life. I wished him the best of luck in the future. Besides that, I have nothing more to say to this person.

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Decisions Decisions

I was informed yesterday that a "change" might occur with my position. They are giving me some time to think about the "change". I have mixed feelings right now, part of me would like to stay but the other side would like to go back to what i was doing and make a point. I have unfinished business with my old career. I need to really need think about this.

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

We out of the Champs League!!

We lost to Liverpool 1-0. All Drogba had to do was put a part of his body to the ball in extra time. Any part of the body. Great run this year, just was not to be. Just fell short again like last year. Well there's always next year.

Monday, May 02, 2005

The New Superman

Warner Bros release a photo the new Superman. One word "Yikes" My first impression was something is missing. They did get the spit curl right. The hair is all wrong. I am hoping they have heard some of the fans and have made some changes before they start shooting.

Saturday, April 30, 2005

A night on the town

I went out with friend, I meet a two weeks ago. Sweet women. We went to a Pirates game. Watch a great game and just talked. We to a bar afterward, had a few drinks and danced. It's a shame she has a boyfriend and she is leaving in eight days. Oh well, I had good time nevertheless.

We won the Premiership!!!!!

I wish, I could have seen the game. We beat Bolton 2-0. Finally after 50 years we are the champs of the Premiership. I just hope that we can now repeat next year. There is talk of the current squad being trimmed. We still have the second leg against Liverpool in the Champions League on tuesday. It would be nice to have a treble this year.

Monday, April 25, 2005

2 points to go!!!!

We are two points away from winning the Premiership. We can win the title tonight if Arsenal loses to Tottenham at Highbury. Come on Tottenham.

So I don't know what is the correct size for comic backboard.

I went this weekend to a comic book store. I needed some backboard for my collection. I found a place close to where i work. Not a bad place. I got this funny vibe about this store, like i did not belong in here. I will go back and see if i get the same funny vibe. But back to story, I thought i found the correct backs for the plastics. I was informed by the clerk that i had the wrong size. I don't think it normally would bother me, but it was fact that the genius was so vague about the correct size. That i don't think I was going to get the correct size no matter what size backs, i brought back. After my second trip, he went back and go the correct size for me. Again, I think he could just said the type or brand it would have help. Oh well, i got what i needed despite the aggravation.

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Quantum & Woody are back??????

I just read on NEWSARAMA that Quantum & Woody might return. Yeah!!!!! Is about time. I think that is Priest's best work ever!!!!!

We are through to next round!!!!

I managed to find a bar that showed Chelsea vs. Bayern Munich. Thank god for Espn 2. I glad we adviced, not glad to see Liverpool. The press is going to play up the incident at the Carling Cup final. I might be the only Chelsea fan who thinks Mourinho needs to shut up, sit down and coach. He did not show up for press meeting before the second leg. Instead he sends his physio and a player who has not played with us this year. Sigh, Lord lets us win the Champions League before Mourinho gets us kick out of europe

Saturday, April 09, 2005

Cirque Du Soleil

I spent most of the day helping a friend move furniture. I went tonight to see Cirque Du Soleil. I truly enjoyed myself. Did not know what to expect. But it was fun to see. Definitely will have to check it out again in the future.

Screaming from the upper deck.

Friday, April 08, 2005

My girl Nina

I love Nina Simone. I can put on a song from her and it will pick my spirts up. My favorite is "Feelin Good"

Birds flying high you know how I feel
Sun in the sky you know how I feel
Reeds driftin’ on by you know how I feel

It’s a new dawn
It’s a new day
It’s a new life
For me
And I’m feeling good

Fish in the sea you know how I feel
River running free you know how I feel
Blossom in the tree you know how I feel


Dragonfly out in the sun you know what I mean, don’t you know
Butterflies all havin’ fun you know what I mean
Sleep in peace when day is done
That’s what I mean

And this old world is a new world
And a bold world
For me

Stars when you shine you know how I feel
Scent of the pine you know how I feel
Oh freedom is mine
And I know how I feel

Screaming from the upper deck.

Struck Out Again

I asked out a attractive women at opening day. Got her phone number, called three later (I was busy!!!!!) and got her answering machine. I am not holding my breath expecting a return call.

Screaming from the upper deck.

Friday, April 01, 2005

Maybe I will or Maybe I won't

I have decided to add my ex' e-mail address to my "block" list. She has been e-mailing me every two weeks. At this point, I don't want to bring up any lingering feelings. Maybe in few years, I will give her a call and see how she is doing. Until then, I am still trying to put the pieces of my heart back together.

A song stuck in my mind.

I remember hearing this song when I was playing Madden 2003. It kinda fits my current situation. I manage to track down the lyrics.

Audiovent: The Energy

Every now and then I think about you
And it makes me, it breaks me
Out of you and into me, I'll make it
So take a look at what you do to my head
When you're leaving, I'm breathing
Out of me and into you, I feel sick
I feel sick

Now that you're leaving
It complicates our lives
But I am the reason
That I will stay alive

We are the energy
We are the same as you
Take everything you need
We are the answer to
The broken, breaking through
Take everything from me

Every now and then I dream about you
I've lost the feeling, it's dead skin
I will never be dependent again
And every now and then I think about you
It's bringing me closer to closure
Every now and then I know it's over
It's over

Now that you're leaving
It complicates our lives
But I am the reason
That I will stay alive

We are the energy
We are the same as you
Take everything you need
We are the answer to
The broken, breaking through
Take everything from me

We are the energy
We are the same as you
Take everything you need
We are the answer to
The broken, breaking through
Take everything from me
Cause I'm not dying
No I'm not dying

Thursday, March 31, 2005

Jose handed two-match ban

I am so glad this whole mess about referee Anders Frisk is over. Mourinho was handed two-match touchline ban by UEFA and fined £9,000, Chelsea fined £33,300. Miles and Clarke are reprimanded. Thank god that is all that happened. Considering that Chelsea could have been kicked out the Champions League. At this point, i just wanted Chelsea to play the next round against Bayern Munich. Pay the fine, and say your sorry. Our bad Mr. Frisk!!!! On a side note, It was despicable what some chuckleheaded fans threaten Frisk and his family life. It only a game. It is not life and death here. I hope the club does go after this idiots and give them lifetime bans from the club.

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Being a Friend

Due to my circumstances, I can't act upon my feelings. I can at least be her friend. I really hope that she can find herself. She has a lot going for her.

Bus Ride to Cleveland

I went with some people from work to see a Cavs game Tuesday night. Overall a pretty fun night. I might have buddy who i can hang with outside of normal group that i hang with. I also got a Lebron James bobble. I missed out an seeing Jordan play in person. I can say I say Lebron before he started winning his titles. Cavs beat the Clippers. I would hate playing for the Clippers, knowing your owner will never spend the money to get better players and make you competitive team. How can play for mediocre team every night.

Being Played

Now being single again. You have a lot of time to analysis what you did wrong or right in a relationship. I really hate the fact that someone takes your emotions and twist them to fit their agenda. I can say that I take some of the blame. There are glaring warning signs. You can almost see it coming, staring right in front of you like your mother getting ready to scold you for being late again. This last incident has wondering how can a person casually dismiss what they did. Does this person have a conscience or is this person really f**ked in the head to not understand what they just did. I am no psychiatrist but I would say that is something is amiss there.

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Chelsea in big trouble.

My team could be booted out of the Champions League. I just hope that Chelsea did not lie about they saw on their first leg lost to Barcelona. They worked to hard this season, to be this stupid.

Clearing the Air

I little bit drained today. I had a fight with a friend, not a physical but verbal. I am proud that way, i handled myself. I come a long from the person i was three years ago. I feel it comes with maturity. Still feel a little awkward around my friend. I think we have better understanding.

I also clear the air with someone who i thought did think to well of my actions one night. I don't know what shocked me more. The fact that night did not bother her as much, as I was led to believe or her comments about the source where I based my info from. At this point, I made my peace with the whole thing, it is done for me.

Monday, March 14, 2005

One more basket.

I really thought Memphis was going to run the tables and win the tournament. They came so damn close to doing it. I really feel so bad for Darius Washington. He played his behind off. It did seem right for that to happened to him.

My response to my ex

Please stop e-mailing me. I am not going to respond back. I would have thought you got the message after seven months of no response back. You had two years in our relationship to talk to me and you just wasted my time. Just leave me alone. You broke my heart. I don't consider you a friend because we never friends when were couple. I am moving on with my life and you should do the same. Stop acting you give a crap about me, when you really don't. To quote BB King "All I can do is wish you well". I am going to stop now before, I say something, I might later regret.

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Chelsea wins again!!!

I can't believe they beat Barcelona. I had to leave my office area to catch part of the game. I was at least was able to see the winning goal. The same thing happen last year to Chelsea vs. Monaco in the Champs League, Chelsea gets ahead and then falls behind. But this time Chelsea was able to come back. But this game is not without controversy. Like the first leg, this game has some questionable actions by both teams, I would love to see what they say. Unbelievable!!!!!

Monday, March 07, 2005

Going to Church

I decide to start going to Church. I never really enjoyed going to Church. Maybe from all those years as a child being dragged to church. You will never see me in church, screaming and hollering professing their love for God. I do believe in god, but I think for me it's my personal time with god and nobody else needs to know what we discuss. Right now, I am calling it irony. The first sermon, I hear is about need vs. want and how god relates to that. This was the first time, I heard a reverend that talked to his congregation with pratical issues. Nothing above their head. All the issues that i have been dealing with over the last three years were summed up in one sermon. That was too weird of a moment for me. Still trying to figure it all out.

Old Habits Died Hard

I have been really trying to keep my guard up when dealing with the opposite sex and not have a lapse in common sense. But this weekend, I dropped my guard and my emotions got the better of me. I don't regret what happened, it was really stupid move on my part. I should have know better. How could i be so stupid.

A New City

I had to rush to my new position in Pitsburgh. Only to find out that I was not expected until the next week. I wish, I had spoken up sooner. Oh well, life goes on. Pittsburgh is not bad city at first glance. Still learing my way around. Back in the cold again.

I have finally been able to log on to a computer at work. I felt like a drug addict going with withdrawls because, i can't use a computer. I forgot the wire that goes to my monitor, when i was packing my stuff up. So my personal computer is down until, I get that wire. These are the moments, I wish i had a labtop.

Saturday, February 26, 2005

Back to Square One

I really thought i got this last job, interviewed for. But this was not the case, I did not get the job. I really wanted this job, it was the good fit and thought everyone was impressed with me. I feel really low at this point. At least, I have a part-time job that has been offered to me.

Monday, February 21, 2005

It's past Midnight

It's late and i am burning the candle at both ends. I should be asleep but instead i am deciding on whether or not to opening my ex's latest e-mail. I'm thinking that would be a violation of my "No Contact" rule. You think after six months, some people would get a hint. For the record, she left me. I need to put her back on my block list again. Out of sight out of mind.

Monday, February 14, 2005

Who is the Black Panther

I just finishing reading the first issue of Black Panther by writer Reginald Hudlin and artist John Romita Jr. Hudlin establishes in the first issue that the Black Panther and his country are two things you don't mess with. I am looking forward to Hudlin's run on Spider-Man. He has my interested already after the first issue.

Black Panther Posted by Hello

Hotel Rwanda

I went to see Hotel Rwanda on Sunday. It was worth traveling 55 minutes across the city to see it. None of the movie theatres close to me were showing it. I don't want to get on my soapbox about this movie. But you REALLY need to see this movie. Somethings should be never allowed to happen again on this world no matter what country.

Friday, February 11, 2005

SD RAM!!!!!!!!

I thought, i had found the right ram for my computer, went online and order it. When I finally got the ram, it did not fit in the memory slot. Just perfect. I bit the bullet and took my computer to a local computer store. I had them install the correct ram. I also found out the ram that my computer needs is becoming hard to find. My god is my computer really that old.

Monday, February 07, 2005

Pats win again 24-21

Philly was so close to beating New England. New England is a good team but Philly had them on the ropes and allowed them to get back into the game. You have to give mad props to TO, he played out of this world. More than I can say about Todd Pinkston and Freddy Mitchell. Pinkston left the game with cramps and never returned. Mitchell played like a person with a foot in his mouth. Philly was close but close does not count against New England.

Sunday, February 06, 2005

Chelsea 0-0 Man City

Chelsea drew 0-0 to Man City today. Still unclear on the status of winger Arjen Robben, he injured his foot in the last game. This is not looking good for Chelsea. Oh boy!!!!!!!

Super Bowl Sunday

It's here ladies and gentleman, Super Bowl Sunday!!!!! It's going to a good game. My money (If i did bet on this game) is on the Eagles. Even though they don't have their top two pass catchers. I feel that Philly will find a way to make up for their loses. Philly is being overlooked by the critics.

Throughout the week, i have heard most people think that New England are the stronger team and they will win convincingly. I even heard one person on the radio comparing the Eagles to the 1986 Pats team that was trounce by the Bears in the Super Bowl. Is he kidding!!!! This Philly team is a better team than the 1986 Pats team.

New England has not been winning Super Bowls in a convincing fashion. They have squeaked out two Super Bowls by a field goal. Don't get me wrong, they are a great team, I just don't think they are the world beaters that everybody make them out to be.

If New England wins,I will give them the credit they have earned it. But don't be shocked when New England loses.

Brady vs. McNabb Posted by Hello

Will the real Memphis Basketball stand up??

My alma matter men's basketball team is having an identity crisis. There are some games the team played like they are destined for the NCAA tournament. There are times they play like a team that don't even deserve to play in their conference tournament. The latter team showed up and lost to Houston last night. I can't remember the last time Houston had a good team. Maybe the 1980's????

There is a lot talent on Memphis, but their performance throughout this year has been inconsistent. There has also been some off-court distractions. These distractions are the type you don't want making your sports page.

I was really hoping that this was the year that Memphis would finish top of the current incarnation of Conference USA. Next year the conference will undergo a face lift with several schools departing to different conferences and new schools will join the conference. It would have been nice sending those schools leaving with some losses instead of victories over us.

Driving to the basket.  Posted by Hello

Thursday, February 03, 2005

A new beginning.

I just got the call from a friend telling me that i got the part time position with his organization. Being unemployed sucks!!! It does not help to have a broken heart at the same time. I felt like i lost my sense of purpose. I had my life planned out a year ago. But that plan went to hell. I have to remind myself that sometimes life do not go always as planned. I am looking at my future with a degree of uncertainty. I really don't know where this is position is going to take me. What doors will be opened to me? Don't get me wrong, i am happy for this opportunity, but i got that feeling right before you take the first drop on a rollercoaster ride. I still feel that i am on the right path.

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Chelsea rolls again

I forgot that Chelsea played today against Blackburn Rovers. I missed the ESPN webcast of the game. They won 1-0!!!!!! The have won eight straight league games by not give up a goal. Unbelievable!!!! Peter Cech has now gone 781 minutes without conceding a goal, surpassing Peter Schmeichel's 1997 mark of 694 minutes. They are up 11 points over Man U and Arsenal in the standings. Is it safe to say that Chelsea has the title wrapped up?????

Robben Goal!!!!!! Posted by Hello

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

A Quiet Birthday

I had pretty quiet birthday. I just spend the day in reflection. Definitely a year older and a year wiser. Went out and got a haircut. I needed that. I started to look a little shaggy. Did not really feel like celebrating my day.

Sunday, January 30, 2005

My Top 10

My geekness is coming through by doing this. What the hell!!! Here is my top 10 list that has me running to my comic book store to pick up.

1. Y: The Last Man
2. Ultimate Spider Man
3. Astonishing X-Men
4. Supreme Power
5. Spider-Man (Marvel Knights)
6. Green Lantern: Rebirth
7. Liberty Meadows
8. Superman/Batman
9. JLA
10. Ultimates (Would be higher on the list, if it was out more timely matter)

Honorable Mention: Captain America and the Falcon (I like Priest work)

The Year of the Beantown

If you are sport team from Boston, this must be your year. The BC (Boston College) men's basketball team is undefeated. The women's basketball team are ranked in the Top 20. The football team won their seven consecutive bowl game. The Red Sox reversed the curse finally after 86 years of misery. The Patriots are in the Super Bowl again for the third time in four years. The Boston sport scene is having a revial, like the mid 80's when the Celtics, Bruins, Red Sox, and Boston College were toast of the town. Unbelievable is all i can say right now.

In search of RAM

I spent most of the day trying to figure out what kind of ram my desktop needed. I always had someone else do the upgrades for my computer. Taking my brother's advice about how easy it is to install more memory. I deecided to give it a try. I managed to figure out what memory i needed and took off to the local CompUSA store. I got to the store and found the memory (with some help). It was kinda expensive so i decide not to buy and see if i can find something less expensive online. I notice that is so many types of memory. Yesh, I spent most of my time just figuring out all the acconyms mean. Who am i kidding it was fun.

Thursday, January 27, 2005

Chelsea beats Man-U 2-1

Lampard Celebrates Posted by Hello

Chelsea has done it again. They beat Man U 2-1 to reach the final of the Carling Cup. There is talk of Chelsea winning four trophies (Champions League, Carling Cup, FA Cup and the Premiership Title). I don't want to but jinx on them, but this is season has unbelieveable. At least one of the teams, i root for is doing well. Now if the Cowboys can turn it around, that would be perfect.

Which is Up

My birthday is coming up in a few days. I know i will be older but wiser? The question, I should be asking have i learned anything new from this last year. I can answere yes to that question. Very painful lessons have been learned this past year. I hope in the upcoming year that i take those lessons learned and turn them into a positive.

I watched this movie called with Richard Pryor called "Which Way Is Up" Funny Flick!!!! At the end the movie, Pryor has lost everything that matter to him, but he walked away knowing that the only way he now where else to go but up. I keep pressing on with the hope that my fortunes are going up in the new year.

Saturday, January 15, 2005

My Two Cents Worth on Identity Crisis

I am huge comic book fan. In recent years, I have watched Marvel and DC improve on what they put out to readers. Identity Crisis is one those series that makes it worthwhile to be a comic book fan. The series had me guessing on who was the murderer. I have to admit was I shocked to find out it was the Atom's wife, Jean Loring that committed the murder of Sue Dibny and setup the death of Jack Drake and Captain Boomerang. I was suspecting a supervillan to jump out from the shadows and proclaim he or she was the mastermind behind the mystery. Personally, I still think Lex Luthor is still behind the murders.

The most intriguing aspect introduced was the explanation on how the JLA have been able to keep their identities secret from villains. Well it would be hard for a villain to figure out a superhero secret identity if they had their mind erased. I am general interested in the ramifications of the series on the rest of the DC Universe.

Test Posted by Hello

Saturday, January 08, 2005

Boondocks Cartoon in October 2005!!!!!

I was up late a few days ago. I was watching Adult Swim and noticed their advertisement for their upcoming shows for the next year. I saw the Boondocks are coming in October. I know McGruder mentioned that he made a deal with the Cartoon Network on Real Time with Bill Maher. I was wondering when it will come out. Great news, another reason for me to watch more TV.

Friday, January 07, 2005

Time Management.

I am trying to find a time management class to take. I wanted to fine tune how I spend my time at work. I feel like the last two years, i have been running at a frantic pace. I have an opportunity to slow down myself and revaluate how my life has been.

I watched the Oklahoma vs. Southern Cal game. USC removed any doubt about who is the national champion. Two straight years Oklahoma has got their asses handed to them. I was expecting a closer game. Auburn got the short end of the stick when it comes to BCS. How do beat Tennessee twice and go undefeated in the SEC. But still end up not playing in the national championship. You can only scratch your head. Either way this year someone was going to be left out. It just happen to be Auburn.

Cowboys, Cowboys. Thank god this season is over. I can't believe we lost to Giants. Oh well there is always next year.

Monday, January 03, 2005

"Crazy Dream"

I found this surfing the net. I will have to pick up the CD. Very inspirational.

I tried to find myself
For a very long time
Somewhere I lost myself
It's so hard to find my way back home
My body's roaming all day long
Feels like a real bad dream
I try so hard to break free
And even though I try
Something else is got a hold on me

Will I ever be in control of me
So when will I wake up
Escape from this crazy dream
Maybe tomorrow
I'll find a better dream for me

-- Los Lonely Boys, "Crazy Dream"

Saturday, January 01, 2005

Looking back at 2004

Well, it's a new year. 2004 is over. I can't believe a year has passed. So much has changed in my life over the last year. 2004 should be do-over year for me in retrospective. I am joking about the do-over. No regrets. I have some good memories over the last year but right now the events of the several months have taken front stage in my life. Still trying to shake the feelings of being dumped and leaving my job several months ago. Two situations, where I was pouring water into a bucket with no bottom. I hope in 2005, I will never find myself again in either of those situations. I go into 2005, with a degree of optimism that things are taking a turn for the better. A slight degree of fear about where my life is heading. All I can do now is look up because there is no where is to go but up.

Still can't believe how Chelsea is playing right now. Top of the table after Boxing Day. They are playing out of this world. I hope they can keep it up.